Story from Steve Petz.
Despite the very Challenging Life, Mother had a remarkably rewarding life.
She was exceptionally proud of her children, their spouses, and their children.
I could see the excitement build during the days before someone was coming home from Hamilton, Regina, or even George’s family and the Davidson family who lived nearby.
Mother had little time to relax, but I remember one morning about 10:00 a.m., we were sitting on the veranda and she saw Penny Davidson, who was just 3 years old coming down the hill. She got out of her chair, walked to the gate so she could meet Penny, lifted her up and give here a big hug. She was happiest, when she was around CHILDREN. Today, I still wish Mother could have done that to all the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. It would have done wonders for HER and all of them.
She didn’t have to be involved with what everyone was doing. She was happiest just watching her family enjoying themselves. Many will recall her laughing — HER BELLY SKAKING LIKE JELLY .. She laughed most when she was around her family.
She was a SPORT. She lived through others. Her humour has been passed on to all us.