Story from Steve Petz.
This is a Ukrainian expression – my phonetic pronunciation.
It means to “ DO IT IN ORDER “ — at least that is how I remember it.
I specifically remember Mother saying this whenever we were weeding the garden, hilling potatoes, sweeping the floor etc..
Of course Mother never went to school, but she had an aptitude as a NATURAL MANAGER. There was always much work to be done, and all of us to do it. We never had any family meetings, but everyone understood it was important to do the right thing and to do it the best way you knew how. There would have been much chaos, confusion and conflict if everyone did what they wanted and did it the way they wanted. Having everyone focused on trying to do the right thing , and doing it the right way ensured we considered one or two options instead of 8-12 options. There is much more ownership of one or two options then there is of 8-12 options.
It was all about planning, organizing, collaboration and decision-making.
To our Spouses, nieces and nephews, if you every got annoyed at my sisters and brothers about doing “ THE RIGHT THING” , you can blame Mother.
My brothers and sisters have used this natural management skill in their work life with much success.